“YOU are the most important part of your healing.”
Hey now.
Welcome to Unbittered! This is our first official blog post so it seems it’s necessary to get a few things out of the way.
First of all, what is Unbittered? It is a collective – a blog, shop, podcast, and who knows what other things might be coming down the line – designed to help people heal from toxic relationships. Those relationships might be romantic, familial, platonic or professional. Unbittered creates content that places your healing at the center of everything we do and provide.
That is what sets Unbittered apart.

Other platforms focus on the toxic individual or situation in your life, with your needs running a distant second to their importance.
Do they have a personality disorder?
What was their childhood like?
What are they thinking? What are they feeling?
How are they responding to your absence?
Who cares?
Well. Wait. You do.
You should care to some degree. Understanding their behavior and how and why they do what they do is actually an integral part of your healing.
But, it’s just that. It is a part of the process and not even the most important part. YOU are the most important part of your healing. You’ve probably not heard that in a long time, or maybe ever, but you are the most important factor in YOUR HEALING. Especially here. Now and for as long as Unbittered is in existence.
You get centrality here. No one and nothing else.
So, what we do is help you heal from toxic relationships through acts of self-care by using talents and resources you already possess.
No steep learning curves.
No advanced degrees (though if you want to pursue that…YES, yes and more yes…DO THAT)
No fancy equipment (well, certain options will require some – but always with your budget in mind)
And most importantly no making anyone else’s well being more important than your own.
Lots of people will try to make you believe that self-care, boundary setting, prioritizing your well being is selfish, but it’s not. SELF CARE IS A SELFLESS ACT – because it allows you the ability to recharge and care for others.
We focus on you here and the more you hang out here, the more comfortable you will be doing the same. So come back often. Subscribe to the email list and social stuff – we’re on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, every Sunday evening we will release a new Soothing Sundays episode. Here we use breath work to focus on relaxation techniques. All you need is to go to our YouTube page, find a quiet space, have the desire to unwind from the previous week and prepare for the week to come. You’ll do a few simple breath work exercises with us and in less than ten minutes you will find yourself more relaxed, centered and focused. Who doesn’t like a little clarity?
Ah. We have to chat about the name. So, what does Unbittered mean? Simply and most importantly it means not bitter. Bitter is the word most often assigned to people, especially women who have decided to prioritize their well being and leave a toxic relationship. We get assigned this label and whether it is true or not, applicable or not, reasonable or not, it sticks. It places us in a category where we do not belong and places limiting beliefs on us. I know all too well about this.
Oh – by the way, I’m Casaundra – a solo mom of two, a professional actor, voice-over artist, audiobook narrator, instructor, facilitator, IPV survivor and more. I have an experience or two or 1200, recent and otherwise, that allow me to speak with confidence about climbing out of the darkness of a toxic relationship, and living a life that is worthy of you.
But enough about me.
So, Unbittered means not bitter. It means taking charge of our lives, deliberately and purposefully, without being vengeful or seeking retribution and absolutely no holding on to what was. It means to be changed only for the better by the adversity you have overcome or are in the process of overcoming and moving ahead accordingly. The name was actually inspired by Shirley Chisholm’s book, Unbought and Unbossed.
Um…so…this is what we have for you – A BLOG/VIDEOS – full of inspiration and tips on how to relax, make money and travel, leaving toxicity in your rearview mirror, and living fully in your new life. A PODCAST (coming soon, stay tuned) where you can hear from incredible people who have used their creativity to carve out new paths that led to self-care, self-respect, self-love, and joy as well as those who are leading the charge to eliminate intimate partner violence. Last, but in no way least (because it was actually our first online presence) A SHOP – we have a ton of merch designed just for you and journey because we believe you should Wear Your Healing. Our shop features two collections – Strength, Courage, and Wisdom (SCW), where the messages are uplifting and empowering AND a portion of every sale goes goes to an organization that is centered around the elimination of intimate partner violence. We also have a collection called Snark Park™ because sometimes the reality of what you have been through catches up with you and you just don’t feel like being nice. That’s fine. Feel your feelings. ALL OF THEM.
So that’s it and that’s us.

Life offline

Thanks for stopping by, do so often, as we are always releasing new things to help you on your healing journey. Don’t forget to sign up for the e-mails, subscribe to the YouTube channel, follow/like us on Facebook and Instagram – you know all the social media stuff.
I’ll catch up with you soon!